Tuesday 10 January 2012

My 1$t T4r4ntul4 M0lt!ng Pr0gr3$$ 4t 10th J4nu4ry 2012

Staying inside my hostel at Kampar for whole day except for my brunch and dinner....
While wasting my time facebooking , I saw my Chaco Golden Knee tarantula sling making some web and turning upside down....
Guess it's time for it to molt....

Here are some of the pictures I took while it goes for it's molting progress....

My Chaco Golden Knee Sling Turning Upside Down....
Another Picture Of It Turning Upside Down....
As We Can See , It's Head Already Coming Out From It's Carapace....

4 Pairs Of It's Leg Came Out From It's Original Shell....
My Chaco Golden Knee Sling After Finish It's Molting Progress.... (Before & After)
That's all for tonight since already passed 2:30 a.m.
Goodnight.... =]

Sunday 25 December 2011

My F!r$t T4r4ntul4

Bought these tarantula slings at 18th December 2011....
Chilean Rose tarantula and Chaco Golden Knee tarantula sling....

Chilean Rose Tarantula Sling....
Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula Sling Eating Mealworm....
Bought Mexican Redknee Tarantula the day after these two slings....
Mexican Redknee Trantula.... (Female)

 That's all for the day.... =]

Thursday 1 December 2011

R3c3!v3d My Pr3c!0u$ C4rd T0d4y

USPS Mail From Jerome Rarie through Ebay....

Bought it at Ebay and it cost me about US $200....
I had to pay RM647.91 after I converted it into Ringgit Malaysia....
Just for an ordinary card....
Sounds insane right ?

Japanese Ancient Mew.... (Pokemon Trading Card "Error")
NINTEDO.... (Error at the bottom of the card)

Actually , this is an ERROR card from Pokemon Trading Card....
It is the only one in the card series with a printing error....
What was originally supposed to be "NINTENDO" was mistakenly printed without the "N" causing it to read "NINTEDO"....

This "Ancient Mew (Error)" is considered to be most valuable of the Japanese Versions and it's price expected to be between US $50 - $140.... (depending on it's condition)
PSA ( Professional Sport Authenticator ) with 9 or 10 grading scale can be cost between US $150 - $600....

That's all for the day & special thanks for the visitors....

Tuesday 5 April 2011

!ntr3n4$!0n4l3 4t P!$4

Working at Penang International Sports Arena (PISA) as an Intrenationale Organizer from 24th till 26th March....
This work are much easier than PC Fair that i've worked in 18th till 20th March and the salary they've given are much better... =]
Thanks to Yvonne Seow for the invitation of the part time job....

2nd Floor Arena Exhibition....


My 1st day as an Intrenasionale Organizer....
My job is to invite the visitors to the Registration Form Site and ask them to fill in the form....
That's all for my 1st day.... xD

Registration Form....

Visitors Filling The Registration Form....

My 2nd day....
Working inside Registration Counter....
After the visitors filled in the form , they will line up at here and give us the form....
Our job is to key in the information that they've filled and we'll print out a pass tag so they can enter the entrance....

That's all for my 2nd day.... =]

Registration Counter....
Visitors Lining Up At Registration Counter....

Organizers Busy Keying Their Visitor's Form....

3rd day....
Worked as a solo security at 2nd floor entrance.... =[
My job is to inform all the visitors to go up 3rd floor for registration and enter through 3rd floor entrance....

Besides that , 2nd floor entrance is just for exhibitors to enter only....

Kinda busy and bored at 3rd day....
Luckily there's a Michael Learns To Rock Concert Registration inside 2nd floor entrance and I get the chance to listen to their songs all the day....

2nd Floor Of PISA Entrance....

We finished our work at 6 p.m....
It's the time for our photo snapping....

Boon Thai , Terry , Suet Ling & Irvine....
Them Again.... =]
Vikki & Terry....
Suet Ling & Laureen....
Peace From Adam Ngui....
Vikki & Suet Ling....
Boon Thai & Terry....
Beauty And The Beast.... xD

Part-Timer With Our Cheques....
Intrenasionalian Organizers....

Terry , Vikki , Boon Thai & Suet Ling's Cheque....

Mine.... =]
Last but not least....
This name tag was done by someone during her worktime....
So cruel....

Yap Zuo Liang The Pig....

Friday 4 March 2011

$w33t M3m0r!3$

Met you when I was studying Form6 in S.M.K.S.J and you came for Form6 registration in our school in 2009....
After the orientation week , you're gone from my sight....
Guess that there's no chance to know you more since you're away from our school....

In a blink of an eye , a year already passed....
I didn't expect that I can meet you again when I re-sit back my STPM examination in S.M.K.B.M....
We started to be friend since then....
Although we had our conversation through on9 , but we didn't even talk at all when we meet each other during examinations....

At 1st , I thought you're an arrogant and cool type of girl but since I've been one of your friend , I felt that you're quite helpful and you have a nice heart~
And sometimes , we even bought for each other souveniers after we back from our holidays....

White Chocolates & Crackers....
I still didn't consume the chocolates and the crackers at all although you've called me to finish it....
Sorry , couldn't done it because all of this will be gone and there will be no memorable for me if I consume it....

The Green Hornet....
Went for our 1st movie at Gurney Plaza with your beloved cousin....
Still remember that you always call me to admit that i've watched that movie before with my friends ?
And I always repeated " No lah , I really didn't watch it before , I swear.... "
And you always say " Got la , you told me you've watched before.... "
We just repeated it non-stop until the movie starts....
How funny we are~

Global Village & Enchanting Musical Notes Ticket....

Our outing again together with Wendy....
In this trip , you've showed me the life of a musical band....
Besides that , you've shared to me by telling me that you've joined this musical band before when you're in secondary school and the instrument that you're using are Trombone....
I felt that it's not really easy to form a musical band because each of them really need to work hard on their instrument and need to be keen on the changing of tunes around them ....

You're signing for your STPM results....
The time has come for us to receive our STPM results....
That time you're very worry about your results and you didn't even have the guts to view your results after receiving it....
At last , you opened it and viewed your result after you went inside your car....
Your result are really out from our imagination....
Anyway , I'm glad and happy that you have passed all your subjects.... 

Vik~ Princess of all time.... =D

A lot of sweet and sour memories happened between us during this few months and I don't wanna describe it in here....
You know , I know la rite ?
Just hope that you can live your life happily and stay cheerful as always....
That was my only wish to you....
Anyway , cheer for both of us ya~

P.S. for my beloved readers....
We're just good friends , nothing much.... =)

Sunday 27 February 2011

3nch4nt!ng Mu$!c4l N0t3$ 4t 19th F3b 2011

2nd round with Vikki & Wendy to watch Jit Sin Philharmonic Orchestra presenting their musical show at Dewan Sri Pulau Pinang....
The show started at 8 p.m. and ended around 10:30....

The songs that they're presenting are :

The Prince Of Egypt....
A Festival Prelude....
Der Vogelhandler....
The Lion King....
Puttin' On The Ritz....
Zoosters Breakout....
Ob-La-Di , Ob-La-Da....
South American Overtue....
The Commencement Suite....
The Lord Of The Rings....

Photographic time =)

Orchestra Stage....
Me & Vikki....
Entry Book & Ticket of the Night....
Jit Sin Philharmonic Orchestra Band.... 2010/2011

Gl0b4l V!ll4g3 4t 19th F3b 2011

Went Penang with Vikki & Wendy to Global Village at Dewan Peperiksaan A , Universiti Sains Malaysia to see the peoples presenting their cultures in the hall....

Hong Kong....

Visited there awhile and went to Jit Sin Philharmonic Orchestra at Dewan Sri Pulau Pinang.... 
Last but not least....
Photographic time =)

Vikki & Wendy....

Wendy between 2 Cosplay....

Wendy with 3 Cosplay....

Guess which 1 is Vikki's & Wendy's hand.... =p